So rather exciting news in the world of WP Email Capture is that last week we were announced as microsponsors of WordCamp UK, held this year in Lancaster on the 13th & 14th July, 2013. WordCamp UK is the only annual WordPress themed weekend in the UK, and is linked to other WordCamps all around [read more…]
Archive for the ‘General News’ Category
New Page – WP Email Capture Partners
I’ve recently put together a “Partners” page. In short, it’s products (be them email marketing services, WordPress themes, helper plugins or hosting providers) that I have personally tested works with WP Email Capture (Free & Premium), or those that I have worked with their creators to help make. These are products I’m confident work with [read more…]
WP Email Capture 2.7.3 Released!
Today I’m delighted to announce the release of WP Email Capture 2.7.3! This version, both for Premium and Free Users, fixes a small encoding bug, as well as introduce a new feature to the premium version. It isn’t a major security release, but well worth installing. Premium Version Fixes a small encoding issue in emails [read more…]
WP Email Capture Premium – Now Google Checkout Compatible!
Compliments of the season to you all! I have recently been working on getting WP Email Capture Premium working with Google Checkout, so those who don’t wish to/can’t use Paypal for payment can use Google Checkout instead. I’ve tested it, and it appears to work. So those who are having issues can use either payment [read more…]
Apocalyptic WP Email Capture Premium Sale!
Doomsday is here. Unless you’ve had your head in a rock for the past year or so, a few thousand years ago the Mayans predicted that tomorrow, the 21st December, is the End of the World. As such, we’re having a bit of a fire sale. Actually it’s more of a sulfuric gasses and hellfire [read more…]
Introducing The First Earlybird Bonus for WP Email Capture – Author Plus!
This last month for WP Email Capture has been incredible. I cannot begin to thank everybody for how well the launch has gone so far. I’ve met some great people and it is so heartening to know so many people are enjoying WP Email Capture Premium. If you’re yet to take the plunge, allow me [read more…]