Archive for the ‘General News’ Category

New Page – WP Email Capture Partners

I’ve recently put together a “Partners” page. In short, it’s products (be them email marketing services, WordPress themes, helper plugins or hosting providers) that I have personally tested works with WP Email Capture (Free & Premium), or those that I have worked with their creators to help make. These are products I’m confident work with [read more…]

WP Email Capture 2.7.3 Released!

Today I’m delighted to announce the release of WP Email Capture 2.7.3! This version, both for Premium and Free Users, fixes a small encoding bug, as well as introduce a new feature to the premium version. It isn’t a major security release, but well worth installing. Premium Version Fixes a small encoding issue in emails [read more…]

Apocalyptic WP Email Capture Premium Sale!

Doomsday is here. Unless you’ve had your head in a rock for the past year or so, a few thousand years ago the Mayans predicted that tomorrow, the 21st December, is the End of the World. As such, we’re having a bit of a fire sale. Actually it’s more of a sulfuric gasses and hellfire [read more…]